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About by Mowgli

Hi! My name is lex, or as my friends call me: Mowgli. I see no reason why, must be the hair…  Anyways, when I finished college, I decided to travel the world. Learning everything there’s to learn about mother earth’s nature and its inhabitants, before getting too old to do so.

My experiences will be written down on the blog. I’ll be sharing the ups and the downs, the interesting places I pass by, the people I meet and much more. During my travels i’ll stop on different places to settle down for a while, getting a job to earn some money on the road and to truly get to know the place. By doing this i’m hoping to unrafel the secrets of different places that other tourists normally wouldn’t.

Traveling in a foreign country can be really difficult, especially if you don’t speak the language. By sharing my story I hope to make it easier for others to travel, so you’ll go to a foreign country, with a  little guide in your pocket, making you feel and act like a local.

With this little guide I hope to motivate others to follow their dreams and take a chance for happiness. I’ll also hope to make it easier for you guys to take that step, which I why I will provide as much tips, tricks, lifehacks and experiences as possible. I’ll make these stupid traveling mistakes for you, so you don’t have to!

If you’d like to follow my journey even closer, check me out on instagram.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”1986″ img_size=”large” style=”vc_box_shadow_circle”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1552140807548{margin-top: -120px !important;margin-bottom: -120px !important;}”][vc_column][vc_text_separator title=”My Kind of Travel” css=”.vc_custom_1552139470617{background-color: #000000 !important;}”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1552550410898{margin-top: -100px !important;}”][vc_column width=”5/6″][vc_column_text]Sitting still isn’t my thing, ask my old teachers. If you’d like to know more info about the best all-inclusive hotel deals, it’s better to go to another website. You’re not going to find that here. This blog is all about active traveling, backpacking, hiking and living in the moment. I hope to explore the most beautiful places in all the corners of the world, even if that means a literal struggle. The more of a struggle the journey is, the more rewarding the destination is when you’ll finally get there.

Next to photography and traveling I love being active doing other sports like surfing, snowboarding, skateboarding and more sports that require boards. Before I started traveling I used to practice thaiboxing, so I’d like to stay fit too. I’m trying to adjust my style of traveling to perfectly fit my lifestyle. There’s a big chance the next destination I travel to is a good place to surf, snorkel or climb a mountain. Those are usually my three go-to factors, but not my only ones. Im usually up for anything. So, do you need me to try some activity or do you really want to know what that discusting looking foreign food tastes like? Then I gladly recieve your e-mail![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/6″][vc_single_image image=”995″ img_size=”medium” style=”vc_box_shadow_circle”][/vc_column][vc_column][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1552517569909{margin-top: 50px !important;}”]


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Work with me!


If you have a company, a product, or just want to promote yourself, you’re at the right place! By-Mowgli welcomes you to collaborate. We’ll find creative and effective ways to promote your business, together. Several ways are listed here, but they’re not exclusive. I’m always up for new, creative ideas and building lasting relationships. Lets get your business that extra bit of attention. 

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Get more customers, exposure and traffic by appearing on the blog. Do you need to put your business in the spotlight because of a new product, a special event or do you just need to get the news out there? Mowgli can make it happen. Mowgli can also give your product or service an honest review, so people will know from firsthand experience how awesome your product is.

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Photography + Editing

If you want people to long for your hotel, activity, city or even country, you’ll need good pics. Get the most out of your products/services and have Mowgli portray them perfectly tuned to be most effective for your desired audience. A picture means more than a thousand words, lets make it a million.[/lydia_service][lydia_service icon=”budicon-megaphone”]


Expose your company or products to a very specific audience. Make your ads count.

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Social Media Services

Give your business the extra attention it deserves by promoting it trough By-Mowgli’s social media channels, or use By-Mowgli’s big network of travel/photography related influencers to your advantage.


Partnerships & Features
